Game Overview

  • Objective: The player earns points by clicking on different objects that spawn randomly on the screen within a set time limit.
  • Gameplay Mode: Fast-paced point-and-click game focused on quick reactions and precision.


Core Gameplay

  • Object Rotator
    • Check off the checkbox and objects will spawn in different rotations.
  • Random Object Spawning:
    • Objects (Cubes, Spheres, Capsules) appear randomly across the screen at set intervals.
    • Each object type offers different point values when clicked:
      • Cubes: 1 point
      • Spheres: 2 points
      • Capsules: 3 points
  • Customizable Game Duration:
    • Players can set the game duration using an input field before starting the game.
    • Minimum game duration is set to 1 second to prevent very short rounds.

User Interface

  • Start Game Screen:
    • A dedicated start screen with an input field to set the game duration.
    • Start Button: Begins the game with the selected duration and hides the start screen.
  • Real-Time Score Display:
    • A constantly updating score display showing the player’s current points.
    • Points Counter: Reflects every successful object click in real-time.
  • Dynamic Timer Display:
    • Countdown timer displayed on-screen showing the time remaining in the game.
    • Updates in real-time to keep the player aware of the game’s progress.
  • End Game Screen:
    • Displays when the timer reaches zero, stopping all game activity.
    • Final Score Display: Shows the player’s score for the round.
    • Play Again Button: Resets the game, including score, and reopens the start screen.

Additional Features

  • Variable Spawn Speed:
    • Adjustable spawn rate controlled by a slider to increase or decrease spawn frequency.
    • Five speed options: Super Slow, Slow, Normal, Fast, and Super Fast.
  • Color Customization:
    • Change object colors using a dropdown menu with multiple material options.
    • Applies selected color to all newly spawned objects for visual variety.

Game Controls

  • Mouse Clicks: Players click objects as they appear on the screen to gain points.
Published 2 days ago
Made withUnity